We remember that Colorado is the West.

Not the West Coast. The Rocky Mountain West. We remember that Coloradans are westerners and that means something. We’re rugged. Individualists. Determined. We persevere, we work together, and we respect one another.

We live our own lives – boldly – and we keep our nose on our own side of the fence. We don’t need to be told what to do (and we don’t like it when we are) because we instinctively know what’s right – and we do it, not because we’re told, but because it’s the right thing to do!

We are not the extremes.

We are not radicals, zealots, single-issue fanatics, or social warriors. We are not name-callers or bomb-throwers. We believe in offering ideas, advancing policy, and striving to make government efficiently work for the people.

Just like you, we believe that civility in political discourse has been lost. We believe and participate in honest conversations about important issues that affect Coloradans. We believe in principles and policies and not the cult of personality. We dispel inflammatory rhetoric and blind narrative and we seek the truth.

We focus on fixing problems and uplifting people with pragmatic public policy. We concentrate on the important issues of freedom, liberty, defense of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, limited government, free enterprise, public safety, affordability, and education, not on the polarizing, divisive distractions of today’s social wars.

We focus on fixing problems and uplifting people with pragmatic public policy. We concentrate on the important issues of freedom, liberty, defense of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, limited government, free enterprise, public safety, affordability, and education, not on the polarizing, divisive distractions of today’s social wars.

Encouraging conversations. Cultivating common sense. This is Colorado’s Voice.