Colorado may brag about its blue wins, but beneath that progressive facade lies a growing red rebellion. Weld County’s conservative surge and Gabe Evans flipping the 8th District highlight a state divided. The media may celebrate liberal victories, but Colorado’s true political landscape is anything but predictable.

Colo-RAD-OH—the state that loves to flaunt its blue bona fides while conveniently ignoring the crimson creeping up its spine. Let’s dissect this political Jekyll and Hyde act, shall we?

Statewide Smugness:

The Colorado media is practically doing cartwheels over the state’s resistance to the so-called “red wave.” Outlets like Colorado Public Radio are touting the state’s progressive victories, highlighting the passage of measures like the constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights. (CPR News) My take on these progressive victories is that they play more to Colorado’s traditional libertarian leanings than the socialist bent of the Colorado Democrat Party.

The Colorado Sun is also basking in the blue glow, emphasizing the state’s continued Democratic leanings. (Colorado Sun)

You can almost hear 9 News breathe a sigh of relief when it says, “Donald Trump’s red wave didn’t hit Colorado.”

Weld County’s Red Rebellion:

But hold your horses, blue boosters. My home of Weld County is painting a different picture—one that’s decidedly red. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the candidates themselves, along with the help of Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer (who deservedly won re-election herself), Hunter Rivera with the Weld GOP, Rep-elect Lori Garcia-Sanders, and an army of other vote-curing volunteers, the county has flipped key legislative seats, reclaiming House District 50 (for Rep-elect Ryan Gonzales), House District 19 (for Rep-Elect Dan Woog), and Senate District 13 (for Senator-elect Scott Bright) – all for the Republicans.

In the brief few months before I sprouted a fever dream and decided to run for Congress, I led the Weld County GOP and challenged the party-faithful to Keep Weld Red. These amazing candidates and volunteers did exactly that! These victories underscore a significant shift in local political dynamics, challenging the narrative of an unwaveringly blue Colorado. (Weld Apps)

Denver, Boulder, Fort Fun, and the Ski Towns – all bluer than blue. The rest of the state, where people work for a living, is reliably red. Now tell me again how there is no urban/rural divide in Colo-RAD-OH.

8th Congressional District Flip:

Adding to the GOP’s gains, Gabe Evans has wrested control of the 8th Congressional District from Democratic hands. This flip is a stark reminder that Colorado’s political landscape is more of a patchwork quilt than a solid blue blanket. (Weld Apps)

An Opportunity:

People have had it. The national level results indicate that, while they may not necessarily like his personality, they voted for Trump because he boldly communicates a plan. Colorado Republicans need to do the same thing. We need to let our common sense show and work on policies that make Colorado affordable again, protect individual freedoms, bolster parental involvement and choice in their child’s education, promote law enforcement and safer communities, and fight the woke mind virus of the uber Marxist left in Colo-RAD-OH.

I have said this so many times, and I will continue to say it – Colorado Republicans need to show their true nature and be boldly aspirational, not wildly confrontational. Meaning stick to your principles, shut up, go to work, and get it done!

The Bigger Picture:

So, while the statewide media is busy patting itself on the back for dodging a red tsunami, it’s conveniently glossing over the red ripples making waves in its own backyard. Colorado’s political identity isn’t as monolithic as some would like to believe. It’s a state of contrasts, where urban blue strongholds coexist with suburban and rural red insurgencies.

In other words, Colorado, maybe it’s time to take a good, hard look in the mirror before crowing about your unassailable blueness. The cracks in your facade are showing, and they’re looking pretty damn red.

About the author

Scott James

A 4th generation Northern Colorado native, Scott K. James is a veteran broadcaster, professional communicator, and principled leader. Widely recognized for his thoughtful, common-sense approach to addressing issues that affect families, businesses, and communities, Scott, his wife, Julie, and son, Jack, call Johnstown, Colorado, home. A former mayor of Johnstown, James is a staunch defender of the Constitution and the rule of law, the free market, and the power of the individual. Scott has delighted in a lifetime of public service and continues that service as a Weld County Commissioner representing District 2.